High-Quality Early Learning According to Yvonne Smith

No fewer than 8,9600,000 results for “high-quality early learning” appeared in .57 seconds, the time required by Google’s query processor to find the relevant web pages from the company’s database. How comforting to think one might get a handle on this phenomenon. “What does high-quality early childhood education look like?” …

Renee Dinnerstein’s Revolution Grows in Brooklyn

Last September, before school began, I made my way to the Brooklyn Historical Society for the launch of  Renée Dinnerstein’s new book, Choice Time.  At a time of standardized tests for five-year-olds, canned curriculum, didactic instruction, and the Common Core—in a city of deep inequality and segregation—this event was long …

What Do Preschoolers Really Need from Grownups? Ask Erika Christakis

Suddenly, everyone’s weighing in on what young children need. From CEOs of tech startups to the titans of philanthropcapitalism, from economists to journalists and political pundits, early development and education have become a free-for-all, the province of those whose expertise lies elsewhere. Enter, Erika Christakis, author of The Importance of …